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 OSTER Sebastien naisssance 31/03/1680 Neuwiller les saverne (67) décès 11/01/1755 Rimling (57)  RIMLINGER Catherine birth 1688 death 10/03/1744 Rimling (57)  OSTER Gertrude birth 22/02/1711 Rimling (57) death 07/04/1747   union 23/02/1734 Bettviller 57 BECKRICH Jacques birth 17/09/1711 Bettviller (57) death 14/11/1778 Bettviller (57)      BECKRICH Francois naissance décès  union about 1767 LANG Dorothee birth 15/07/1740 Volmunster [ eschviller] (57) death 18/04/1807 Volmunster [ eschviller] (57) BECKRICH Nicolas naissance décès  BECKRICH Christine naissance about 1737 Bettviller (57) décès 30/10/1796 Bining les rohrbach (57) union 06/10/1772 Rohrbach les bitche (57) KIREN Jean michel birth 10/03/1742 Bining les rohrbach (57) death 23/11/1783 Bining les rohrbach (57) BECKRICH Madeleine naissance 14/11/1738 Rimling (57) décès
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You can click on the dark boxes in relief.
The dates and locations of the unions are displayed between the parent boxes and the spouse of the selected person.
Hover over the boxes with the mouse displays dates and places of birth and death.
For each child the known spouses are displayed below.
Symbols used:
° for birth, + death, x union.
~ about, < before, > after.

Good navigation


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